Sähköpostihuijari joka ei vastannut #3

From: Miss Daryna Adam [msdaryna.adam011@outlook.com]
Date: 25.12.2014 2:27
To: Santeri Mäkinen [santeri.makinen@metropolia.fi]
I'm an Ukrainian girl, a lonely war victim. But currently in Ghana because of war in Ukraine. I manage to escape with my friend a Ghanian who leaves in Ukraine.
I need your help. My parents were killed. I've discovered one document belonging to my late father. That Document contains money value. This money is for investment. Money is somewhere in Europe. I want you to assist me to invest this money.
I am in a very bad condition right now. I am in trauma of war! Please help urgently! Please answer me quickly
Yours Sincerely,
Ms. Daryna Adam
Well hello there,
I will help you if you will help me.
I recently watched the movie Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies. It was horrible. It had such poor acting, pacing and story. It was so bad that I couldn't even believe how bad a movie could be. I can't even call it a movie! Martin Freeman, the main character, was only a fucking sidenote. Even a comic relief got more screentime than him. Everything in that movie was just awful. Even the effects sucked ass! The only somewhat good character got killed before the title-screen even showed up! And it was a fucking dragon!
Anyway, after watching that piece of shit 150 minute long joke, I have been suffering from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). As a war victim, you should know what I am going through. The sweaty blankets, the screams in the middle of the night, the unknown blood you notice in your hands when you wake up.
So, if you will help me overcome my PTSD, I will help you get your money? Deal?
No deal. Daryna Adam ei vastannut.